The purpose of this booklet is to tell you about Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) which is one of the treatments for a condition called aortic stenosis. This is where the main valve which allows blood to flow from the heart to the rest of the body has become narrowed. This may lead to symptoms of chest discomfort, breathlessness or syncope (black-outs). As the valve narrowing worsens, this can cause weakening of the heart muscle’s pumping action (sometimes known as heart failure) and may become a life-threatening problem with time when left untreated.
What causes aortic stenosis?
In most cases, aortic stenosis is due to wear and tear and is more common with age. In some cases, the valve has been abnormal since birth and becomes more narrowed or leaky over time, this is more common in younger patient. Rarely, the valve may also become abnormal due to other conditions such as rheumatic fever.
What are the treatments for aortic stenosis?
If the valve is not severely narrowed, no specific treatment is required, and patients will usually be offered routine check-up appointments in the cardiology clinic to keep an eye on the valve with echocardiography (ultrasound of the valve). If the valve problem becomes worse, there are three main options
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